Oxford Plastics with… Senior Customer Care Specialist (Hannah)

Here at Oxford Plastics, we think it’s important our clients and suppliers know about the excellent people who make Oxford Plastics the reassuring expert it is. That’s why we’ve started an ‘Oxford Plastics with…’ series - focussing on different members of the Oxford team. This aims to gain an understanding of their individual expertise and knowledge, as well as a little about who they are as people, too.
Q&A: Hannah Pinn
In our last Q&A article, we interviewed our UK Business Development Manager, Josh Willis, where we found out not only about what sets our trench covers apart from competitors, but also about his passion for race cars! This time, we’re turning our attention to the Customer Care Team - an integral cog in the Oxford Plastics machine - where we spoke to Hannah Pinn, Senior Customer Care Specialist.
The day to day
During this Q&A session, Hannah covered exactly what her role entails and her day-to-day duties and responsibilities. When asked what the common tasks the Customer Care Team carry out at Oxford Plastics, Hannah answered: “Communications in general - whether that’s electronic over email, or on the phone.
“As a team, we process all the orders that come in from across the world - which means that we’re solely responsible for the booking of the transport, the commercial documentation that’s required, and organising everything efficiently. Generally, people look to us for support and advice, as members of our team have been here a long time - so we typically have good knowledge on all the products.
“If there’s any extremely technical questions about products, we can divert this call to the technical director to ask for advice - as it’s likely they might have seen the products in situ, so have come across this specific query before.”
“Brexit has slightly affected things for us in our day-to-day in Europe and the UK, as we now have to complete paperwork that wouldn’t have had to do before - but in general, it’s not too much more.”
Comprehensive product support
As part of the Customer Care Team, Hannah has an extensive knowledge of the variety of products we provide here at Oxford Plastics. For someone who is enquiring around product information and pricing, Hannah responded:
“They would either give us a call, or they would drop us over an email - or make contact through the website in the form. We deal with distributors, who have a good understanding of the products - and they would normally have most of the information regarding which product they want.
“However, if we’re dealing with an end user, we would then try and ascertain what the best product for them would be - and then work out the best distributor and point them in the right direction. We could then provide them with leaflets and documentation for more information.”
Where could someone go to find out technical information such as dimensions, features and benefits of Oxford Plastics products?
“This would be the website - as this has most of the information that people need. We also have product sheets, which have been updated recently, technical guides and installation guides, too.”
With Oxford Plastics offering a range of trench covers, what’s the best way for users to help them decide with trench cover is most suitable?
“Our new LowPro Trench Cover Guide is available on our website or by request on email. It helps users to understand which product they need for the job.”
As Oxford Plastics offer a range of advanced products, such as road plates for trenches, if customers wanted to find installation information, Hannah explained:
“We have installation guides that we can send them, and these can be emailed across the different products that we provide.”
Which Oxford Plastics solutions and products have been popular recently?
Hannah explained that the EnduaSign QuickFit Frame, one of our newest innovative products, is gaining a lot of popularity at the moment: “There’s been a lot of interest so far, with the sales guys doing site visits and demos, and we’ve taken a fair few enquiries ourselves. I think it’s so popular because it’s so simple and easy to use.”
When asked about the all-time most popular product, for example, one that is always gaining the interest of our customers, Hannah replied:
“The barrier range - including our SafeGate barrier - and the whole trench cover range is always really popular with our customers.”
A little bit about Hannah
Having worked at Oxford Plastics for around 8 years, Hannah has always been a key member of the Customer Care Team. “I’ve always worked in the customer services sector, but this has evolved slightly during my time here - taking on extra responsibilities as time went on.”
When asked what her favourite product of the Oxford Plastics range would be, Hannah answered: “It would have to be the StrongWall barrier. There’s a real moment of pride when you see one of your products while you’re out and about, and as a popular product, you do see it a lot.
“It’s really great to see it on TV, or out in the streets - and it’s always nice to see it customised with corporate branding, too. It’s a really versatile product, easy to assemble - and our customers love it! I think their passion rubs off on you.”
When asked about her favourite part of the role, Hannah explained that it is:
“Definitely the variety. There’s never a dull day working here. I also love speaking to people on the phone - I’m a ‘people person’, and I’ve tried working in a job where I didn’t speak to people all day, and it didn’t work for me!
“In general, you do have to love variety to work in this sort of role, as you jump from one thing to another quite quicky. It can be challenging, but I really love it.”
Keep an eye out for our next ‘Oxford Plastics with…’ series - where we’ll interview another member of our friendly, expert team. For more information, get in touch with us today - or browse our range of LowPro® solutions and trench covers.
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