Case Studies

Oxford Plastics Solves Tilson’s Telecoms Challenge

Learn how leading telecoms company Tilson utilized the LowPro 15/10 to help them modernize internet connectivity across the United States.

Oxford Plastics Solves Tilson’s Telecoms Challenge

Who is Tilson?

Tilson is a leading telecommunication company, with over 15 years of experience in building information infrastructure across the United States of America. They were recently tasked by AT&T (Gigapower) to bring fiber internet technology to areas that are underserved by old technology. With the target of installing up to 10,000ft of cables per day across the project.

The Challenge

The modernization of communications presented Tilson with several challenges, firstly they needed to rapidly increase their workforce, expanding their work crews from 30 to over 300. Then, they needed a reliable process to deliver their goal of installing 1,000ft of cable per crew per day. The crews needed to work quickly as there is also a requirement for all sidewalks to be returned to 100% 5000 psi concrete within 24 hours of installing the cables.

The Process

The process needed to prioritize speed, but not compromise on safety for both workers and pedestrians. To install the cable quickly and efficiently, Tilson used vacuum trucks and a water boring machine to bore and trench 2ft x 4ft holes every 50ft to feed the cable through. In the past, valuable time would have been spent installing plywood or steel boards with cold patching, resulting in an increased output, use of heavy lifting machinery and additional personnel required to make the trenches safe. There would also be an additional challenge to return the sidewalk to normal within 24 hours afterwards.

Tilson’s teams began to use the LowPro 15/10 trench cover system to help with this challenge. Installing thousands of feet of cable required the use of 100s of trench covers, and the LowPro 15/10 stacks and stores easily and is much lighter and simpler to install than steel road plates.

The LowPro 15/10 trench cover system can be installed in minutes by hand, with no heavy lifting required. The LowPro 15/10 also benefits from no need for cold patch or asphalt ramps, due to the ADA-compliant ramp accessories, making it much quicker to return the sidewalks to their required state.

This process helped to solve Tilson’s Telecoms challenge to deliver miles of fiber optic cables and connect people all over the country.

How can Oxford Plastics Help?

Join Tilson by adopting the innovative LowPro 15/10 trench cover system, make your working processes faster, safer and simpler with Oxford Plastics.

The LowPro 15/10 trench cover system - The new industry standard for Telecoms installation and maintenance.

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